Copy write © Avondale Sunday markets 2012
The Avondale Sunday market has a long and interesting history that dates back nearly thirty years from it’s inception by the local labour party in Avondale in the 70’s
No one is sure exactly when it was started but there was a need as the cultural groups moved into Avondale and the surrounding suburbia for a market point to sell fresh vegetables and handy craft.
The market has expanded from the early days of a few stall sites to accommodate between 15,000 to 20,000 visitors in one day.
Here You'll find a strong Polynesian and Asian influence here on a Sunday with a huge array of stalls, arts, crafts, products, fresh produce, clothes and so much more.
The markets have a diverse cultural group of visitors and sellers and you can find many hard to get food items and the freshest food out west all in one location.